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Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities

Student Support Services...

Supporting Students in Attaining the  Following Attributes:

  • Identify, pursue, and persist in achieving personal goals.


  • Exhibit a strong work ethic


  • Accept responsibility for personal actions


  • Advocate for self and others


  • Maintian wellness and balance in like


  • Contribute to the well-being of the community

*Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being


*Self-confidence in ability to succeed


*Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning


*Set high standards of quality


*Participate in enrichment and extracurricular activities


*Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility


*Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control


*Demonstrate ability to work independently


*Demonstrate ability to delay immediate gratification for long-term rewards


*Demonstrate perseverance to achieve long- and short-term goals


*Demonstrate ability to overcome barriers to learning


*Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem


*Demonstrate the ability to balance school, home and community activities


*Demonstrate personal safety skills


*Demonstrate ability to manage transitions and ability to adapt to changing situations and responsibilities


*Demonstrate ethical decision-making and social responsibility


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